Cyphernomicon Top
Cyphernomicon 1.4

Who Should Read This

    1.4.1. "Should I read this?"
           - Yes, reading this will point you toward other sources of
              information, will answer the most commonly asked questions,
              and will (hopefully) head off the reappearance of the same
              tired themes every few months.
           - Use a search tool if you have one. Grep for the things that
              interest you, etc. The granularity of this FAQ does not
              lend itself to Web conversion, at least not with present
           + What _Won't_ Be Covered Here
             + basic cryptography
               + many good texts, FAQs, etc., written by full-time
                  cryptologists and educators
                 - in particular, some of the ideas are not simple, and
                    take several pages of well-written text to get the
                    point across
               - not the focus of this FAQ
             - basic political rants

Next Page: 1.5 Comments on Style and Thoroughness
Previous Page: 1.3 Motivations

By Tim May, see README

HTML by Jonathan Rochkind