10.14.1. Emergency Orders - various NSDDs and the like - "Seven Days in May" scenario 10.14.2. Legal, secrecy orders - George Davida, U. oif Wisconsin, received letter in 1978 threatening a $10K per day fine - Carl Nicolai, PhasorPhone - The NSA has confirmed that parts of the EES are patented, in secrecy, and that the patents will be made public and then used to stop competitors should the algorithm become known. 10.14.3. Can the FCC-type Requirements for "In the clear" broadcasting (or keys supplied to Feds) be a basis for similar legislation of private networks and private use of encryption? - this would seem to be impractical, given the growth of cellular phones, wireless LANs, etc....can't very well mandate that corporations broadcast their internal communications in the clear! - compression, packet-switching, and all kinds of other "distortions" of the data...requiring transmissions to be readable by government agencies would require providing the government with maps (of where the packets are going), with specific decompression algorithms, etc....very impractical
Next Page: 10.15 Patents and Copyrights
Previous Page: 10.13 Usenet, Libel, Local Laws, Jurisdictions, etc.
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