Cyphernomicon Top
Cyphernomicon 13.8

Activism and Projects:
The Battle Lines are Being Drawn

   13.8.1. Clipper met with disdain and scorn, so now new strategies are
            being tried...
   13.8.2. Strategies are shifting, Plan B is being hauled out
           - fear, uncertainty, and doubt
           - fears about terrorists, pornographers, pedophiles, money
   13.8.3. corporate leaders like Grove are being enlisted to make the
            Clipper case
   13.8.4. Donn Parker is spreading panic about "anarchy" (similar to my
            own CA)
   13.8.5. "What can be done in the face of moves to require national ID
            cards, use official public key registries, adhere to key
            escrow laws, etc?"
           - This is the most important question we face.
           - Short of leaving the country (but for where?) or living a
              subsistence-level lifestyle below the radar screens of the
              surveillance state, what can be done?
           + Some possibilities, not necessarily good ones:
             + civil disobedience
               - mutilation of cards, "accidental erasure," etc.
             - forgeries of cards...probably not feasible (we understand
                about digital sigs)
             - creation of large black markets...still doesn't cover
                everything, such as water, electricity, driver's
                licenses, etc....just too many things for a black market
                to handle
             - lobby against these moves...but it appears the momentum
                is too strong in the other direction

Next Page: 13.9 "What Could Make Crypto Use more Common?"
Previous Page: 13.7 Political Action and Opposition

By Tim May, see README

HTML by Jonathan Rochkind