2.11.1. "Can encryption be banned?" - ham operators, shortwave - il gelepal, looi to waptime aolditolq + how is this any different from requiring speech in some language? - Navaho code talkers of WW2,,,,modern parallel 2.11.2. "Will the government try to ban encryption?" - This is of course the major concern most of us have about Clipper and the Escrowed Encryption Standard in general. Even if we think the banning of crypto will ultimately be a failure ("worse than Prohibition," someone has said), such a ban could make things very uncomfortable for many and would be a serious abridgement of basic liberties. - We don't know, but we fear something along these lines. It will be difficult to enforce such a ban, as so many avenues for communication exist, and encrypted messages may be hard to detect. - Their goal, however, may be _control_ and the chilling effect that using "civil forfeiture" may have on potential crypto users. Like the drug laws. (Whit Diffie was the first to emphasize this motivation.) 2.11.3. "How could encryption be banned?" - most likely way: restrictions on networks, a la airwaves or postal service - could cite various needs, but absent a mechanism as above, hard to do - an outright ban, enforced with civil forfeiture penalties - wartime sorts of policies (crypto treated as sedition, treason...some high-profile prison sentences) - scenario posted by Sandfort? 2.11.4. "What's the situation about export of crypto?" + There's been much debate about this, with the case of Phil Zimmermann possibly being an important test case, should charges be filed. - as of 1994-09, the Grand Jury in San Jose has not said anything (it's been about 7-9 months since they started on this issue) - Dan Bernstein has argued that ITAR covers nearly all aspects of exporting crypto material, including codes, documentation, and even "knowledge." (Controversially, it may be in violation of ITAR for knowledgeable crypto people to even leave the country with the intention of developing crypto tools overseas.) - The various distributions of PGP that have occurred via anonymous ftp sources don't imply that ITAR is not being enforced, or won't be in the future. 2.11.5. "What's the legal status of digital signatures?" - Not yet tested in court. Ditto for most crypto protocols, including digital timestamping, electronic contracts, issues of lost keys, etc. 2.11.6. "Can't I just claim I forgot my password?" 2.11.7. "Is it dangerous to talk openly about these ideas?" - Depends on your country. In some countries, perhaps no. In the U.S., there's not much they can do (though folks should be aware that the Cypherpunks have received a lot of attention by the media and by policy makers, and so a vocal presence on this list very likely puts one on a list of crypto trouble makers). - Some companies may also feel views expressed here are not consistent with their corporate policies. Your mileage may vary. - Sedition and treason laws are not likely to be applicable. - some Cypherpunks think so - Others of us take the First Amendment pretty seriously: that _all_ talk is permissable - NSA agents threatened to have Jim Bidzos killed 2.11.8. "Does possession of a key mean possession of *identity*?" - If I get your key, am I you? - Certainly not outside the context of the cryptographic transaction. But within the context of a transaction, yes. Additional safeguards/speedbumps can be inserted (such as biometric credentials, additional passphrases, etc.), but these are essentially part of the "key," so the basic answer remains "yes." (There are periodically concerns raised about this, citing the dangers of having all identity tied to a single credential, or number, or key. Well, there are ways to handle this, such as by adopting protocols that limit one's exposure, that limits the amount of money that can be withdrawn, etc. Or people can adopt protocols that require additional security, time delays, countersigning, etc.) + This may be tested in court soon enough, but the answer for many contracts and crypto transactions will be that possession of key = possession of identity. Even a court test may mean little, for the types of transactions I expect to see. - That is, in anonymous systems, "who ya gonna sue?" - So, guard your key.
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