6.7.1. "Why is cryptography good? Why is anonymity good?" - These moral questions pop up on the List once in a while, often asked by someone preparing to write a paper for a class on ethics or whatnot. Most of us on the list probably think the answers are clearly "yes," but many in the public may not think so. The old dichotomy between "None of your damned business" and "What have you got to hide?" - "Is it good that people can write diaried unread by others?" "Is it good that people can talk to each other without law enforcement knowing what they're saying?" "Is it good that people can lock their doors and hide from outsiders?" These are all essentially equivalent to the questions above. - Anonymity may not be either good or not good, but the _outlawing_ of anonymity would require a police state to enforce, would impinge on basic ideas about private transactions, and would foreclose many options that some degree of anonymity makes possible. - "People should not be anonymous" is a normative statement that is impractical to enforce. 6.7.2. Speaking of the isolation from physical threats and pressures that cyberspace provides, Eric Hughes writes: "One of the whole points of anonymity and pseudonymity is to create immunity from these threats, which are all based upon the human body and its physical surroundings. What is the point of a system of anonymity which can be pierced when something "bad" happens? These systems do not reject the regime of violence; rather, they merely mitigate it slightly further and make their morality a bit more explicit.....I desire systems which do not require violence for their existence and stability. I desire anonymity as an ally to break the hold of morality over culture." [Eric Hughes, 1994-08-31] 6.7.3. Crypto anarchy means prosperity for those who can grab it, those competent enough to have something of value to offer for sale; the clueless 95% will suffer, but that is only just. With crypto anarchy we can painlessly, without initiation of aggression, dispose of the nonproductive, the halt and the lame. (Charity is always possible, but I suspect even the liberal do-gooders will throw up their hands at the prospect of a nation of mostly unskilled and essentially illiterate and innumerate workers being unable to get meaninful, well-paying jobs.) 6.7.4. Crypto gets more important as communication increases and as computing gets distributed + with bits and pieces of one's environment scattered around - have to worry about security - others have to also protect their own products, and yet still provide/sell access - private spaces needed in disparate locations...multinationals, teleconferencing, video
Next Page: 6.8 Crypo Needed for Operating Systems and Networks
Previous Page: 6.6 Political Uses of Crypto
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