7.12.1. "What is RSA Data Security Inc.'s position on PGP?" + They were strongly opposed to early versions + Objections - infringes on PKP patents (claimed infringements, not tested in court, though) - breaks the tight control previously seen - brings unwanted attention to public key approaches (I think PGP also helped RSA and RSADSI) - bad blood between Zimmermann and Bidzos + Objections - infringes on PKP patents (claimed infringements, not tested in court, though) - breaks the tight control previously seen - brings unwanted attention to public key approaches (I think PGP also helped RSA and RSADSI) - bad blood between Zimmermann and Bidzos - Talk of lawsuits, actions, etc. - The 2.6 MIT accomodation may have lessened the tension; purely speculative 7.12.2. "Is PGP legal or illegal"? 7.12.3. "Is there still a conflict between RSADSI and PRZ?" - Apparently not. The MIT 2.6 negotiations seem to have buried all such rancor. At least officially. I hear there's still animosity, but it's no longer at the surface. (And RSADSI is now facing lawsuits and patent suits.)
Next Page: 7.13 Problems with PGP, Flaws, Etc.
Previous Page: 7.11 Other Crypto Programs And Tools
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