8.7.1. Julf's penet system has historically been the main way to post anonymously to Usenet (used by no less a luminary than L. Detweiler, in his "an12070/S. Boxx" personna). This has particulary been the case with postings to "support" groups, or emotional distress groups. For example, alt.sexual.abuse.recovery. 8.7.2. Cryptographically secure remailes are now being used increasingly (and scaling laws and multiple jurisdictions suggest even more will be used in the future). 8.7.3. finger remailer.help.all@chaos.bsu.edu gives these results [as of 1994-09-07--get a current result before using!] - "Anonymous postings to usenet can be made by sending anonymous mail to one of the following mail-to-usenet gateways: group.name@demon.co.uk group.name@news.demon.co.uk group.name@bull.com group.name@cass.ma02.bull.com group.name@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca group.name@charm.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu group.name@comlab.ox.ac.uk group.name@nic.funet.fi group.name@cs.dal.ca group.name@ug.cs.dal.ca group.name@paris.ics.uci.edu (removes headers) group.name.usenet@decwrl.dec.com (Preserves all headers)"
Next Page: 8.8 Anonymous Message Pools, Newsgroups, etc.
Previous Page: 8.6 Remailers and Digital Mixes (A Large Section!)
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