Certificate Management Page

This page allows you to load the public key certificates that enable you to access this server securely. You can also request your own personal certificate and load the resulting certificate into your browser.

Certifying Authority

To load the c4 CA certificate into your browser, click here. This will enable you to connect securely to Web server sites certified by the c4 CA.

Secure Server

To reload this page securely, click here.

Personal Certificate for Netscape

If you are using Netscape 3.0 or later (not MSIE), you may request a personal certificate issued by the c4 CA by filling out and submitting the form on this page:

Netscape Personal Certificate Request

Load Personal Certificate into Netscape

To load your personal certificate using Netscape, you can use the URL given in your notification email, or you can just enter the certificate's serial number here:

here -->