5.6.1. PGP, of course - it's own section, needless to say 5.6.2. "What about hardware chips for encryption?" - Speed can be gotten, for sure, but at the expense of limiting the market dramatically. Good for military uses, not so good for civilian uses (especially as most civilians don't have a need for high speeds, all other things being equal). 5.6.3. Carl Ellison's "tran" and mixing various ciphers in chains - "tran.shar is available at ftp.std.com:/pub/cme - des | tran | des | tran | des - to make the job of the attacker much harder, and to make differential cryptanalyis harder - "it's in response to Eli's paper that I advocated prngxor, as in: des | prngxor | tran | des | tran | des with the DES instances in ECB mode (in acknowledgement of Eli's attack). The prngxor destroys any patterns from the input, which was the purpose of CBC, without using the feedback path which Eli exploited."[ Carl Ellison, 1994-07- 15] 5.6.4. The Blum-Blum-Shub RNG - about the strongest algorithmic RNG we know of, albeit slow (if they can predict the next bit of BBS, they can break RSA, so.... - ripem.msu.edu:/pub/crypt/other/blum-blum-shub-strong- randgen.shar 5.6.5. the Blowfish cipher + BLOWFISH.ZIP, written by Bruce Schneier,1994. subject of an article in Dr. Dobb's Journal: - ftp.dsi.unimi.it:/pub/security/crypt/code/schneier- blowfish.c.gz
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