5.7.1. "What is "blinding"?" + This is a basic primitive operation of most digital cash systems. Any good textbook on crypto should explain it, and cover the math needed to unerstand it in detail. Several people have explained it (many times) on the list; here's a short explanation by Karl Barrus: - "Conceptually, when you blind a message, nobody else can read it. A property about blinding is that under the right circumstances if another party digitally signs a blinded message, the unblinded message will contain a valid digital signature. "So if Alice blinds the message "I owe Alice $1000" so that it reads (say) "a;dfafq)(*&" or whatever, and Bob agrees to sign this message, later Alice can unblind the message Bob signed to retrieve the original. And Bob's digital signature will appear on the original, although he didn't sign the original directly. "Mathematically, blinding a message means multiplying it by a number (think of the message as being a number). Unblinding is simply dividing the original blinding factor out." [Karl Barrus, 1993-08-24] + And another explanation by Hal Finney, which came up in the context of how to delink pharmacy prescriptions from personal identity (fears of medial dossiers(: - "Chaum's "blinded credential" system is intended to solve exactly this kind of problem, but it requires an extensive infrastructure. There has to be an agency where you physically identify yourself. It doesn't have to know anything about you other than some physical ID like fingerprints. You and it cooperate to create pseudonyms of various classes, for example, a "go to the doctor" pseudonym, and a "go to the pharmacy" pseudonym. These pseudonyms have a certain mathematical relationship which allows you to re-blind credentials written to one pseudonym to apply to any other. But the agency uses your physical ID to make sure you only get one pseudonym of each kind....So, when the doctor gives you a prescription, that is a credential applied to your "go to the doctor" pseudonym. (You can of course also reveal your real name to the doctor if you want.) Then you show it at the pharmacy using your "go to the pharmacy" pseudonym. The credential can only be shown on this one pseudonym at the pharamacy, but it is unlinkable to the one you got at the doctor's. " [Hal Finney, 1994-09-07] 5.7.2. "Crypto protocols are often confusing. Is there a coherent theory of these things?" - Yes, crypto protocols are often expressed as scenarios, as word problems, as "Alice and Bob and Eve" sorts of complicated interaction protocols. Not exactly game theory, not exactly logic, and not exactly anything else in particular...its own area. - Expert systems, proof-of-correctness calculi, etc. - spoofing, eavesdropping, motivations, reputations, trust models + In my opinion, much more work is needed here. - Graphs, agents, objects, capabilities, goals, intentions, logic - evolutionary game theory, cooperation, defection, tit-for- tat, ecologies, economies - mostly ignored, to date, by crypto community 5.7.3. The holder of a key *is* the person, basically - that's the bottom line - those that worry about this are free to adopt stronger, more elaborate systems (multi-part, passphrases, biometric security, limits on account access, etc.) - whoever has a house key is essentially able to gain access (not saying this is the legal situation, but the practical one) 5.7.4. Strong crypto is helped by huge increases in processor power, networks + Encryption *always wins out* over cryptanalysis...gap grows greater with time - "the bits win" + Networks can hide more bits...gigabits flowing across borders, stego, etc. - faster networks mean more "degrees of freedom," more avenues to hide bits in, exponentially increasing efforts to eavesdrop and track - (However, these additional degrees of freedome can mean greater chances for slipping up and leaving clues that allow correlation. Complexity can be a problem.) + "pulling the plug" hurts too much...shuts down world economy to stop illegal bits ("naughty bits"?) - one of the main goals is to reach the "point of no return," beyond which pulling the plug hurts too much - this is not to say they won't still pull the plug, damage be damned 5.7.5. "What is the "Diffie-Hellman" protocol and why is it important?" + What it is - Diffie-Hellman, first described in 1976, allows key exchange over insecure channels. + Steve Bellovin was one of several people to explaine D-H to the list (every few months someone does!). I'm including his explanation, despite its length, to help readers who are not cryptologists get some flavor of the type of math involved. The thing to notice is the use of *exponentiations* and *modular arithmetic* (the "clock arithmetic" of our "new math" childhoods, except with really, really big numbers!). The difficulty of inverting the exponention (the discrete log problem) is what makes this a cryptographically interesting approach. - "The basic idea is simple. Pick a large number p (probably a prime), and a base b that is a generator of the group of integers modulo p. Now, it turns out that given a known p, b, and (b^x) mod p, it's extremely hard to find out x. That's known as the discrete log problem. "Here's how to use it. Let two parties, X and Y, pick random numbers x and y, 1 < x,y < p. They each calculate (b^x) mod p and (b^y) mod p and transmit them to each other. Now, X knows x and (b^y) mod p, so s/he can calculate (b^y)^x mod p = (b^(xy)) mod p. Y can do the same calculation. Now they both know (b^(xy)) mod p. But eavesdroppers know only (b^x) mod p and (b^y) mod p, and can't use those quantities to recover the shared secret. Typically, of course, X and Y will use that shared secret as a key to a conventional cryptosystem. "The biggest problem with the algorithm, as outlined above, is that there is no authentication. An attacker can sit in the middle and speak that protocol to each legitimate party. "One last point -- you can treat x as a secret key, and publish (b^X) mod p as a public key. Proof is left as an exercise for the reader." [Steve Bellovin, 1993-07-17] - Why it's important + Using it + Matt Ghio has made available Phil Karn's program for generating numbers useful for D-H: - ftp cs.cmu.edu: /afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr12/mg5n/public/Karn.DH.generator + Variants and Comments + Station to Station protocol - "The STS protocol is a regular D-H followed by a (delicately designed) exchange of signatures on the key exchange parameters. The signatures in the second exchange that they can't be separated from the original parameters.....STS is a well-thought out protocol, with many subtleties already arranged for. For the issue at hand, though, which is Ethernet sniffing, it's authentication aspects are not required now, even though they certainly will be in the near future." [Eric Hughes, 1994-02-06] 5.7.6. groups, multiple encryption, IDEA, DES, difficulties in analyzing 5.7.7. "Why and how is "randomness" tested?" - Randomness is a core concept in cryptography. Ciphers often fail when things are not as random as designers thought they would be. - Entropy, randomness, predictablility. Can never actually _prove_ a data set is random, though one can be fairly confident (cf. Kolmogorov-Chaitin complexity theory). - Still, tricks can make a random-looking text block look regular....this is what decryption does; such files are said to be cryptoregular. + As to how much testing is needed, this depends on the use, and on the degree of confidence needed. It may take millions of test samples, or even more, to establish randomness in set of data. For example: - "The standard tests for 'randomness' utilized in govt systems requires 1X10^6 samples. Most of the tests are standard probability stuff and some are classified. " [Wray Kephart, sci.crypt, 1994-08-07] - never assume something is really random just becuase it _looks_ random! (Dynamic Markov compressors can find nonrandomness quickly.) 5.7.8. "Is it possible to tell if a file is encrypted?" - Not in general. Undecideability and all that. (Can't tell in general if a virus exists in code, Adleman showed, and can't tell in general if a file is encrypted, compressed, etc. Goes to issues of what we mean by encrypted or compressed.) + Sometimes we can have some pretty clear signals: - headers are attached - other characteristic signs - entropy per character + But files encrypted with strong methods typically look random; in fact, randomness is closely related to encyption. + regularity: all symbols represented equally, in all bases (that is, in doubles, triples, and all n-tuples) - "cryptoregular" is the term: file looks random (regular) until proper key is applied, then the randomness vaDCharles Bennett, "Physics of Computation Workshop," 1993] - "entropy" near the maximum (e.g., near 6 or 7 bits per character, whereas ordinary English has roughly 1.5-2 bits per character of entropy) 5.7.9. "Why not use CD-ROMs for one-time pads?" - The key distribution problem, and general headaches. Theft or compromise of the keying material is of course the greatest threat. - And one-time pads, being symmetric ciphers, give up the incredible advantages of public key methods. - "CD ROM is a terrible medium for the OTP key stream. First, you want exactly two copies of the random stream. CD ROM has an economic advantage only for large runs. Second, you want to destroy the part of the stream already used. CD ROM has no erase facilities, outside of physical destruction of the entire disk." [Bryan G. Olson, sci.crypt, 1994-08-31] - If you have to have a one-time pad, a DAT makes more sense; cheap, can erase the bits already used, doesn't require pressing of a CD, etc. (One company claims to be selling CD- ROMs as one-time pads to customers...the security problems here should be obvious to all.)
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